Assigning a takeoff template to a job

When you have created a takeoff template that includes the elements and options you need, you can assign it to a job.

Before assigning a template to a job

  • Mark all the bid items you need for the job Active. Only items marked Active will be used in the job takeoff.
  • Mark bid items that you do not need Inactive, so that you do not have to remove them manually from the takeoff after you assign the template to the job.
  • Make sure that all required fields exist in the database.

    Important! Values for certain fields in the template must exist in the database before you can assign a template to a Job. These required fields are Assemblies, Parts, Tax Districts, Vendor, Cost Code, Cost Type, Task, and Inventory Locations. If any of these fields exist in the template, but have no values in the database, Sage 100 Contractor will prompt you to resolve these issues before you can assign the template to a job.

To assign a template to a job:

  1. Display the template in the 9-5 Takeoff Templates window.
  2. Click File > Assign to Job.
  3. In the Assign Template to Job window, click the down arrow (The down Lookup arrow ) to open the job lookup window, and then double-click the job on the list.

    Tip: If the job does not yet exist, click the details button (The job details button) to open the 3-5 Jobs window, where you can create the job on the fly.

Note: After assigning the template, only the active items are saved to the job takeoff.