About General Ledger content in the Dashboard
About Payables content in the Dashboard
About Receivables content in the Dashboard
About Dashboard security
The Dashboard has been created to display and provide access to a great deal of company financial information. It was designed for the benefit of company owners, company executives, and other selected employees. Such a detailed presentation of financial information is not meant to be accessible to all your employees in your company, although it can be set up that way.
Until you set up security, the Dashboard is only available to company administrators. It is best to set up the Dashboard security at the earliest possible opportunity to be able to share your company’s financial information with selected employees.
When a company administrator launches Sage 100 Contractor, the Dashboard window opens. Upon closing the Dashboard window and until a security option has been selected, Sage 100 Contractor continues to display the Dashboard Security Options window to company administrators.
About Setting the Security Options Globally
Selecting Set Dashboard Security in the Options menu opens the Form Level Security window.
Selecting one or more checkboxes from the security groups list allows the members of that security group to view the Dashboard. Clicking OK sets security for the Dashboard.
Note: You may need to set up a new security group just for the Dashboard. For details, see About Security Groups.
About Setting the Security Options by Dashboard Tab
Clicking on the Add/Remove Content link in the Dashboard allows you to set the security by Dashboard tab for the General Ledger, Payables, Receivables, and Projects tabs. You can go to each tab and click on the Security link to choose the security groups allowed access to this tab. Clicking the OK button saves the security choice for all panels that are on the tab currently displayed.
Note: Security for adding panels is enforced. If a non-company administrator tries to add a panel from a tab where they are not a member of the allowed groups, then a security message is displayed and the dashboard panel is not added.
Changing the Security Settings
As your business grows, you may need to change your security settings. You can access the Form Level Security window at any time from the Dashboard by pressing the F7 key or by clicking the Security link in the General Ledger, Payables, Receivables, or Projects tabs for tab level security. Selecting or clearing checkboxes in the Form Level Security window changes access for members of that security group to view the Dashboard.