Creating new unitary bills using Unitary Proposal
When you create a new unitary bill for a job, you can enter the unit price and quantity of units scheduled for each bid item in the Unit Price and Scheduled Quantity columns. After saving the first application, Sage 100 Contractor does not allow any changes to the scheduled quantities. On subsequent applications, enter any changes to the quantity of units in the Change Quantity column.
Important! After posting the first application, the unit price cannot be edited.
To create a new unitary bill using Unitary Proposal:
- Open 3-9 Unitary Billing.
- In the Job text box, enter the job number.
- If the job uses phases, enter the phase number in the Phase text box.
- In the Description text box, enter a brief statement about the job.
- In the Application# text box, enter the number of the application you are submitting.
- In the Billing Date text box, enter the date ending the period for which you are submitting the request.
In the Billing Cycle text box, enter the billing cycle.
In Sage 100 Contractor, a cycle is represented by ##DY (a number of days), ##MO (a number of months), and ##TH (a specified day every month). You replace the ## symbols with the number of days or months, or the day of the month for the processing cycle. For example:
- 30DY means due every 30 days.
- 02MO means due every two months.
25TH means due on the 25th day of each month. Sage 100 Contractor displays the 25th of the month following the invoice date when you enter a new invoice for a vendor
- Click Options > Import Unitary Proposal.
- Click Options > Setup, and then complete the Unitary Billing Setup window.
- In the grid:
- In the Item Code cell, enter the client’s item code.
- In the Current Quantity cell, enter the current number of units for which you want to bill.
- In the Retention Rate cell, you can accept the default retention rate from the Unitary Billing Setup window, or you can enter a different rate for the item.
- In the Taxable cell, type Yes if the item is taxable or No if the item is non-taxable.
- Repeat step 10 for each item.
- On the menu bar, click Calculate.
- Click File > Save.