Entering jobs

If you select the Post expenses to WIP asset account checkbox, and you have selected Job# as Subaccount# on a general ledger account(s), upon job save, you will be prompted to create subaccounts under those ledger accounts.

Upon saving the job, Sage 100 Contractor checks the client’s balance for any past due invoices and displays a message indicating the amount past due, if any. To turn this option off, in the Options menu, click Check Client Balance.

To enter a job:

  1. Open 3-5 Jobs (Accounts Receivable).
  2. Enter header information:
    1. In the data control text box, enter the job number.
    2. In the Job Name text box, enter the full job name.
    3. In the Short Name text box, enter an abbreviated name for the job.
    4. In the Job Status list, click the job status.
    5. In the Job Type list, click the type of job.
  3. On the General Information tab:
    1. In the Client text box, enter the client number.
    2. In the Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip text boxes, enter the client's address.
    3. If the job is in a sales tax district, enter the district in the Sales Tax District text box.
    4. If the job is in a local payroll-tax district, enter the district in the Payroll Locale text box.
    5. In the Income Account text box, enter the default income account.
    6. If you departmentalize income, enter the default department number in the Department text box.
    7. If the job requires certified payroll reporting, click the Requires certified payroll reporting checkbox.
    8. If the job requires posting payroll to WIP asset accounts, select the Post expenses to WIP asset account checkbox.
    9. In the Due Terms text box, enter the cycle for the date when the invoice is due.

      In Sage 100 Contractor, a cycle is represented by ##DY (a number of days), ##MO (a number of months), and ##TH (a specified day every month). You replace the ## symbols with the number of days or months, or the day of the month for the processing cycle. For example:

      • 30DY means due every 30 days.
      • 02MO means due every two months.
      • 25TH means due on the 25th day of each month. Sage 100 Contractor displays the 25th of the month following the invoice date when you enter a new invoice for a vendor

    10. In the Discount Terms text box, enter the cycle by which payment must be received for the discount to apply.
    11. In the Discount Rate text box, enter the discount rate.
    12. In the Finance Rate text box, enter the annual finance rate.
    13. In the Retention Rate text box, enter the rate of retention.
    14. If the customer provides a purchase order for the job, enter the purchase order number in the Client PO# text box.
    15. If the customer provides a contract number for the job, enter the contract number in the Contract# text box.
    16. In the Contract Amount text box, enter the amount of the original contract.
  4. On the Contacts and Personnel tab:
    1. In the Architect text box, enter the vendor number of the architect or engineer.
    2. In the Lender text box, enter the vendor number of the lending institution.
    3. In the Statement Email box, type the email address to which you will send emailed statements to the client about this job.
    4. In the Estimator text box, enter the employee number of the estimator.
    5. In the Salesperson text box, enter the employee number of the salesperson.
    6. In the Supervisor text box, enter the employee number of the job supervisor.
    7. In the Job Access List text box, click the Edit list of users with security access to job button to select up to 5 users with security access to this job.
    8. In the Contact grid:
      1. In the Contact Name text box, enter the contact's name.

        The first contact in the list is considered to be the primary contact in reports.

      2. In the Job Title text box, enter the contact's job title.

      3. In the Phone# text box, enter the contact’s telephone number.

      4. In the Extension text box, enter the contact's telephone extension, as necessary.

      5. In the Email text box, enter the contact's email address.

      6. In the Cell Phone# text box, enter the contact’s cellular number.

      7. In the Fax# text box, enter the contact’s fax number.

      8. In the Other# text box, enter the contact’s other telephone number.

      9. In the Other Description text box, enter the contact’s other telephone number description.

      10. In the Notes text box, enter any applicable notes about the contact.

  5. On the Project Dates and Sales Information tab:
    1. In the Project Dates section, enter the job dates in the appropriate text boxes.
    2. In the Sales Information section, enter the project and sales details in the appropriate text boxes.
  6. On the Certified Payroll tab, enter the company and project information required for certified federal and state reports for this job.

    Note: Sage 100 Contractor uses the First Payroll Period Ending Date field on this tab to determine the first weekly Payroll Number submission for the job. The report number increases sequentially for each payroll weekly submission until the job is finished.

  7. Use the access buttons at the bottom of the screen to open other windows where you can enter additional information for the job. For example:
    • If you are using phases, click [Phases], and then enter the phases.
    • If you are using bid items, click [Bid Items], and then enter the bid items.

    Tip: If your screen is not wide enough to display all the buttons, use the scroll buttons to view them.

  8. Click File > Save.


  • The Post expenses to WIP asset account checkbox does not affect whether the job appears in the WIP report.
  • The contract dates allow you to track important aspects of the project, but Sage 100 Contractor does not use these dates for any reports or documents.