Entering lien waivers

To enter a lien waiver:

  1. Open 3-5 Jobs (Accounts Receivable).
  2. Using the data control, select the job.
  3. On the Options menu, click Lien Waivers.
  4. For each pre-lien you receive:
    1. In the Pre-lien# text box, enter the pre-lien number.
      The pre-lien number is a reference number provided by the vendor.
    2. In the Vendor text box, enter the vendor number of the vendor who sent the pre-lien.
    3. If the pre-lien includes a second vendor, enter the vendor number in the Second Vendor text box.
    4. In the Received text box, type Yes if you received a pre-lien from the vendor.
    5. In the Date Received text box, enter the date when you received the pre-lien.
    6. In the First Date text box, enter the date when the vendor first appeared on the job.
    7. In the Last Date text box, enter the date when the vendor finished the job.
    8. In the Lien Rights text box, type Yes if the vendor has lien rights.
    9. In the Joint Check text box, type Yes if the vendor is paid with a joint check.
    10. In the Final Waiver text box, type Yes if you have received the final lien waiver from the vendor.
    11. In the Final Date text box, enter the date when the final lien waiver was received.
  5. Click File > Save.