About accrued vacation

Sage 100 Contractor provides the ability to track vacation for your employees. It can also help to prevent you from paying out vacation (or paid time off) when an employee has not accrued sufficient vacation time or if they have reached a specified maximum.

For example, suppose you establish a maximum vacation accrual of 1.5 times the annual accrual rate. If an employee is entitled to 40 hours’ vacation per year, they cannot accrue more vacation once they have accrued 60 hours. When they take vacation, dropping their accrued vacation below 60 hours, vacation begins to accrue again.

You use the 5-2-1 Employees window and the 5-2-2 Payroll Records window to track vacation accruals:

  • The Compensation tab in the 5-2-1 Employee window provides Maximum, Annual Limit, Accrued YTD, and Carry Forward fields for accrued vacation, expressed in hours.

    On this tab, you also enter the rate that vacation is accrued for the employee, expressed as vacation hours per period or vacation hours per period, depending on the accrual Method you select.

    During payroll close, accrued vacation is copied to the Last Year Carry Forward field.

  • The 5-2-2 Payroll Records window displays accrued Vacation available (in hours) for a selected employee.

    When you select an employee in this window, Sage 100 Contractor displays their vacation available, provided their pay is subject to vacation accrual. Negative vacation available is displayed in red.

    Note: Vacation available is displayed only for new or Open status records.

    During the payroll final compute, when calculating an employee’s accrued vacation, the program includes the vacation accrued and vacation taken in the current period, while respecting the accrual maximum from the employee record. The employee will not accrue more than the stipulated maximum. Also, you are warned if vacation for the current payroll record would result in negative accrued vacation for the employee. If you choose to skip the final compute for that payroll record, the transaction is rolled back, and that payroll record maintains an Open Status.