About calculations in payroll records
The Calculations tab in the 5-2-2 Payroll Records window lets you view the deduction and benefit amounts for a timecard after the trial or final-compute. After setting up a new employee record or adding a new payroll calculation to an employee record, it is a good idea to review the computed amounts after a trial-compute. The review ensures that the payroll calculation and the calculation rates in the employee record have been set up correctly.
For a single timecard, you can also manually enter an amount for a payroll calculation and override what Sage 100 Contractor would otherwise compute. During a trial or final-compute, Sage 100 Contractor looks at the Override column. When an Override cell contains Yes, Sage 100 Contractor uses the amount you have entered for that calculation. After you have performed a final-compute for timecards, you cannot change the computed amounts on those timecards.
Suppose that you advance Rob $500, and set up a calculation to recover the advance at a rate of $50 per paycheck. One week, Rob works far more than usual and suggests that you deduct $200 from this paycheck. If you were to change the calculation rate for the payroll advance in Rob’s employee record, you would then have to change the rate back after the final-compute. Because the $200 deduction is only for one paycheck, adjust the computed amount on the timecard. On the Calculations tab, locate the Payroll Advance calculation, enter $200 in the Amount cell, and type Yes in the Override cell.
You can also use the Calculations tab to adjust the deduction or benefit balances for a specific employee. When you enter a hand-computed check, you can subtract from the balance of one payroll calculation and add it to another.