About multiyear payroll
In Sage 100 Contractor, you can keep more than one year of payroll records in your current company, enabling you to run payroll reports and process any final adjustments for the previous year without having to switch to an archive company.
Archiving and closing a payroll year are separate processes:
Closing a payroll year. When you complete payroll processing for the year, you need to close it so you can begin processing payroll for the new year. However, closing a payroll year doesn't remove payroll records. Closing the payroll year is a much simpler, less time-consuming process than archiving, which can help alleviate pressure at year end.
Archiving a payroll year. When you're ready to remove old years of payroll data from your current company, you use the Archive Oldest Payroll Year function in Database Administration. At that point, Sage 100 Contractor removes the archived data from the current payroll records and creates an archive company. If you haven't yet closed the payroll year, the archive process closes the year for you.