Entering local payroll tax districts
Combining local payroll tax districts
Setting up payroll calculations for local payroll tax districts
Setting up a local payroll tax district like a state income tax
Creating a table of states
When employees work in different states during a single pay period, use the local payroll tax districts to indicate the state on each timecard line. While some regions may not levy local income taxes, you can still use local payroll tax districts to assign the correct state to timecard lines. You can set up local payroll tax districts that only contain a state (leave the Resident Rate and Non-resident Rate cells blank).
Localities give you line-by-line control over the state for which Sage 100 Contractor computes income taxes. The state assigned to a locality takes priority over the state assigned to the entire payroll record. When Sage 100 Contractor finds a locality assigned to a timecard line, Sage 100 Contractor computes the income tax for that state specified in the local payroll tax district.
To create a table of states:
- Open 5-3-6 Local Payroll Taxes.
- In the District# cell, enter the district number.
- In the Description cell, enter a brief statement about the district.
- In the State cell, enter the state abbreviation.
- Repeat steps 2–6 for each state.
- Click > .
- Set up the payroll calculation for each state.