Entering W-4 Information for Employees

The 5-2-1 Employees window includes a W-4 Information tab where you enter the information required for W-4 forms that the IRS redesigned for 2020.

Important! You enter W-4 information only for new employees or for existing employees whose personal information and deductions have changed. If you do not add information to this tab, Sage 100 Contractor uses the information on the Calculations tab to compute federal withholding information for existing employees. If you enter any information on the W-4 Information tab, Sage 100 Contractor uses it to compute pay for the employee.

To enter W-4 information for an employee:

  1. In the 5-2-1- Employees window, display the employee record that you want to adjust, or create a new employee record.

  2. Click the W-4 Information tab.

    The W-4 Information tab is patterned after the W-4 form, with steps corresponding to the steps on the form. (This tab provides a thumbnail of a sample W-4 form for your convenience. To display a larger version of the sample form in your image viewer, click the thumbnail.)

  3. For Step 1 (corresponding to Step 1 on the W-4 form), select a filing status from the list.

    Note: You must select a status from the Filing status list before any other fields on the tab become available.

  4. Complete the remaining steps as needed.

    Tip: As you move through the fields on the tab, Sage 100 Contractor displays a red cartouche around the corresponding area of the thumbnail form.