Updating ACA Settings for All Employees

Sage 100 Contractor provides a very effective way to update ACA settings at the beginning of a new calendar year or at any other time you need to change these settings for all employees.

Use the Update All Employees' ACA Settings window to update ACA settings in all your employee records from a single point in the program, rather than changing the settings for each employee individually.

Note: When changing ACA settings using this window, you update each setting independently (except for certain Offer of Coverage Codes, as noted in step 4).

Updating ACA setting for all employees

To change ACA settings for all employees at once:

  1. Open the 5-2-1 Employees window.
  2. Click Options > Update All Employees' ACA Settings.
  3. In the Update All Employees' ACA Settings window, specify the month and the year as of which the new settings will be effective.
  4. Change the Existing value and Change to boxes for the following settings, as needed:

    • Offer of Coverage Code. You cannot change this code to a blank. If you offered no coverage, select 1H as the code.

      Note: If you change the Offer of Coverage Code to 1A, 1F, 1G, 1H, or 1I, the program changes the Share of Min Plan Premium to zero for all employees that are assigned to this code.

      Tip: To clear any existing non-zero premiums you might have entered for employees assigned to codes 1A, 1F, 1G, 1H, or 1I, enter the same code in the Existing value and Change to boxes. For example, if you enter 1A in both boxes, when you click Update, the program clears the Share of Min Plan Premium for all employees assigned to the 1A Offer of Coverage Code.

    • Safe Harbor Code.
    • Share of Min Plan Premium.

      You can change this value from zero to another amount, except for Coverage Code 1A, 1F, 1G, 1H or 1I. (The Share of Min Plan Premium amount must be zero for codes 1A, 1F, 1G, 1H, and 1I.)

      Tip: You can clear all existing premium amounts by entering zero in the Change to box.

  5. For each setting you changed, click the [Update] button.

Viewing current ACA Settings for all employees

To display current ACA settings for all employees:

  1. In the Update All Employee's ACA Settings window, specify an Effective Beginning month and year.
  2. Click the [View] button. The ACA Settings window opens, listing ACA settings for all employees in a grid.

You can use the ACA Settings window to check the existing settings before you make any changes.

After changing ACA settings, use the ACA Settings window to verify your changes.

If you need make additional adjustments for an individual employee, select the employee on the grid, and then click the [Drill Down] button. The employee record opens, where you can change the settings as needed.