Viewing or entering an employee's hire history
You can view a complete hire history (including multiple Date Hired and Date Inactive dates) for employees who are periodically laid off and then rehired.
To view or enter hire history for an employee:
- Open the 5-2-1- Employees window.
- Use the data control box to display the record for the employee whose history you want to view.
- With the record displayed, click > or click the [ ] button.
- If you need to add history, on the first blank line of the grid:
- Click in the Date cell, and then:
- Click the Down arrow to display the calendar.
- In the calendar, navigate to the year and month, and then double-click the date that the change in employment status became effective.
- In the Previous Status cell, type the code for the employee's previous status (1-Current, 2-On Leave, 3-Quit, 4-Laid Off, 5-Terminated, 6-On probation, 7-Deceased), and then press Tab.
- In the Status cell, type the code for the employee's current status (1-Current, 2-On Leave, 3-Quit, 4-Laid Off, 5-Terminated, 6-On probation, 7-Deceased), and then press Tab.
- In the Date Hired cell, if the status is Current:
- Click the Down arrow to display the calendar.
- In the calendar, navigate to the year and month, and then double-click the date that the employee was hired.
- Press Tab.
- In the Date Hired cell, if the status is not Current:
- Click the Down arrow to display the calendar.
- In the calendar, navigate to the year and month, and then double-click the date that the employee's status became inactive.
- Press Tab.
- In the Notes cell, type any notes you need to describe the employee's change of status.
- Click in the Date cell, and then: