Creating submittals
Note: This functionality is available only if you have the Document Control Module.
Only the boxes with an asterisk in the title are required. Consider entering client or vendor information for legal traceability.
Note: You can set up routing by clicking the Routing button at the bottom of the window.
To create a submittal:
- Open 6-11-4 Submittals.
- In the Submittal# box, enter the submittal number.
- In the Job box, click the drop-down arrow to select the job.
- If the job uses phases, enter the phase number in the Phase box.
- In the Description box, enter a description.
Do any of the following, as necessary:
- In the Client or Vendor box, enter a client or vendor.
- In the Attention, box enter to whom you want this information to be alerted.
- In the Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip text boxes, enter that information.
- In the Type list, select a submittal type.
- In the Date box, accept the date, or enter a different date.
Do any of the following, as necessary:
- In the Sent by box, enter the person who sent the submittal.
- In the Sent Via box, select a sending method.
- In the Required and Received boxes, enter dates.
- Select Hot List and Lock Edit.
- In the grid, in the Description cell, enter a brief statement about the item.
- Click > .