Entering prime and sub changes for contracts and budgets

On the Prime Change Details tab, Sage 100 Contractor calculates the amount requested for each line item using the following formula: (estimated cost * overhead rate * profit rate = amount requested). The Subcontract column displays the subcontract number and its record number. If the amount of change is negative, enter a negative amount. If this change order is for an upgrade, select the Upgrade checkbox. This data will then be used on 6-1-13-41 Homebuilders reports.

On the Prime Change Details tab, enter the amounts approved by the client in the Approved cells. Sage 100 Contractor uses the amounts in the Approved cells when you create the accounts receivable invoice.

To include a detailed description of the change order work, type a note for the change order “record” rather than typing a note in a grid row or including an attached document. To open the Notes window, click the Notes icon on the toolbar.

Note: When you add a change order to a subcontract, you can add a new line to a subcontract or you can change an existing subcontract line.

To enter prime and sub changes:

  1. Open 6-4-1 Change Orders.

  2. In the Job box, enter the job number.

  3. If the job uses phases, enter the phase number in the Phase box.

  4. In the Description box, enter a brief statement about the change order or use the lookup window to enter an existing description.

  5. In the Change# box, accept the change order number or enter a different one.

    When creating a series of change orders for a job, Sage 100 Contractor suggests the next number in sequence automatically.

  6. In the Reason box, enter the reason using the lookup window, then press the Enter key.

  7. (Optional) In the User Def1 and User Def2 text boxes, enter the user-defined information as necessary.

  8. In the Order Date box, enter the date of the change order.

  9. In the Submitted box, enter the date of when the change was submitted.

  10. In the Status list, click the status.

  11. In the Type list, click the type.

  12. In the Budget and Sub Change Details tab, for each item affecting the budget:

    1. In the Description cell, enter a brief statement about the change work.

    2. If you want to change the budgeted hours, enter the amount of change in the Budget Hours cell.

    3. If you want to change the budgeted units, enter the amount of change in the Budget Units cell.

    4. If you want to change the budgeted amount, enter the amount of change in the Budget Amount cell.

    5. If the change work affects a vendor, enter the vendor number in the Vendor cell.

    6. If you want to change a subcontract, enter the record number of the Subcontract cell.

    7. In the Change# cell, enter the change order number you want to assign the subcontract.

    8. In the Status cell, select the sub change status.

    9. In the Cost Code cell, enter the cost code.

    10. In the Cost Type cell, enter the cost type.

  13. On the Prime Change Details tab, for each item affecting the job contract:

    1. In the Description cell, enter a brief statement about the change work.

    2. In the Estimated cell, enter the amount of change to the contracted amount.

    3. If you want to include overhead, enter the rate in the O/H Rate cell.

    4. If you want to include profit, enter the rate in the Profit Rate cell.

    5. In the Requested cell, enter the amount you are requesting.

    6. In the Cost Code cell, enter the cost code using the lookup window.

    7. In the Cost Type cell, enter the cost type using the lookup window.

  14. In the Budget and Sub Change Details tab, for each item that does not affect a subcontract:

    1. In the Description cell, enter a brief statement about the change work.

    2. If you want to change the budgeted hours, enter the amount of change in the Budget Hours cell.

    3. If you want to change the budgeted units, enter the amount of change in the Budget Units cell.

    4. If you want to change the budgeted amount, enter the amount of change in the Budget Amount cell.

    5. In the Cost Code cell, enter the cost code using the lookup window, then press Enter.

    6. In the Cost Type cell, enter the cost type using the lookup window, then press Enter.

  15. Click File >Save.