Exporting takeoff grids to files

Note: This functionality is available only if you have the Estimating Module.

Important! Sage 100 Contractor does not export bid items and job phases with a grid.

To export a takeoff grid to a file:

  1. In the Sage 100 Contractor main menu tree, double-click 9-5 Takeoffs.
  2. In the Takeoff Launch window, double-click a job to start a takeoff.
  3. In the Bid Item list, click the bid item.
  4. In the Phase list, click the phase.
  5. In the grid:
    1. Delete any unwanted assemblies or parts.
    2. Delete any unnecessary values for variables.
    3. Delete any unnecessary quantities.
  6. On the Export menu, click Grid File.
  7. Name the file, and then click OK.

Tip: Instead of using an existing takeoff, you can create a new takeoff for the file.