Exporting takeoff prices to part prices

Note: This functionality is available only if you have the Estimating Module.

To export takeoff prices to part prices:

  1. In the Sage 100 Contractor main menu tree, double-click 9-5 Takeoffs.
  2. On the Takeoff Launch window, double-click a job to launch a takeoff.
  3. On the Export menu, click on Takeoff Prices to Part Prices.
  4. Select one of the following:

    • Use Grid
    • Use Takeoff

    A message asking Do you want to include subcontractors? appears.

  5. If you want to include subcontractors, click Yes.

    The Update Takeoff Prices to Parts Databases window appears.

  6. Select individual vendors whose prices you want to update, or click Select All Vendors.
  7. Under Update Option:

    • Select Update Default Cost to update the Default Cost in Parts in 9-2 Parts.
    • Select Update Billing Amount to update the Billing Amount in 9-2 Parts. This will be calculated by using the newly updated Default Cost and the Markup %. This option is only available if you have selected Update Default Cost.
    • Select Update vendor prices to update a vendor’s price for any given part.
  8. Select Add vendor to part if it is not already assigned.

    Sage 100 Contractor determines whether the vendor exists for the given part in the database, and adds the vendor and its prices, if necessary.

  9. Click the Update button.