Importing takeoff grid files
Note: This functionality is available only if you have the Estimating Module.
You can import takeoff grids that you save as comma delimited (*.cma), tab delimited (TAB), or comma-quote (QTE) files.
Important! Before you can import a takeoff grid file, create a compatible comma-delimited or comma-quote-delimited file using a spreadsheet program, word processing program, or other software.
For a list of the fields and the order in which they appear in the import file,
To import a takeoff grid file:
- In the Sage 100 Contractor main menu tree, double-click 9-5 Takeoffs.
- In the Takeoff Launch window, double-click a job to launch a takeoff.
- In the Bid Item list, click the bid item.
- In the Phase list, click the phase.
- On the Import menu, click Grid File.
- Select the grid file that you want to import, and then click [OK].
Note: When you import a grid file, the new content is inserted at the cursor, and does not overwrite the existing content.