Importing takeoff grid files

Note: This functionality is available only if you have the Estimating Module.

You can import takeoff grids that you save as comma delimited (*.cma), tab delimited (TAB), or comma-quote (QTE) files.

Important! Before you can import a takeoff grid file, create a compatible comma-delimited or comma-quote-delimited file using a spreadsheet program, word processing program, or other software.

For a list of the fields and the order in which they appear in the import file, see Format of takeoff and takeoff grid data, or simply export an existing takeoff grid that includes the same type of data you want to import, and edit it, preserving the arrangement of rows and fields.

To import a takeoff grid file:

  1. In the Sage 100 Contractor main menu tree, double-click 9-5 Takeoffs.
  2. In the Takeoff Launch window, double-click a job to launch a takeoff.
  3. In the Bid Item list, click the bid item.
  4. In the Phase list, click the phase.
  5. On the Import menu, click Grid File.
  6. Select the grid file that you want to import, and then click [OK].

Note: When you import a grid file, the new content is inserted at the cursor, and does not overwrite the existing content.