More about adding parts-updating prices
About file types for adding parts-updating prices
Important information about updating prices and adding new parts simultaneously
Saving templates for adding parts-updating prices
Note: This article refers to common templates that you can save in a number of Sage 100 Contractor windows. It does not deal with takeoff templates, which are dealt with elsewhere in help. For more information about takeoff templates, see About Takeoff Templates.
Note: Complete functionality is available only if you have purchased the Estimating Add-On Module.
Some functionality is available only if you have purchased the Estimating Add-On Module or the Inventory Add-on Module or the Service Receivables Add-on Module.
Rather than having to configure the Import/Update Parts window each time you receive price updates from vendors or pricing services, you can save different import formats and recall them for later use.
To save an import format as a template:
- Open 9-6 Add Parts/Update Prices.
- Set up the template of the database that you want to import by making all your desired selections for that particular source file.
- On the File menu, click Save As Template.
- Enter the template name, and then click OK.