Inviting Time Mobile App Users

You provide mobile access to individual employees using the 7-2-3 Mobile Users window.

Before inviting employees to use the Time app

Before you can invite employees to use the Time mobile app, you must:

  1. Enable mobile access for Sage 100 Contractor in Database Administration, if you have not already done so.
  2. In the 5-6-6 Time Entry Settings window (in Sage 100 Contractor), specify:
    1. Pay period types and end dates for time entries.
    2. How employees will enter time in the Time app.
    3. Whether approved time entries are sent automatically to daily payroll or are used to generate timecards for additional processing.
    4. The types of time entries employees can enter (Sick, Vacation, and Holiday time).
    5. Active jobs employees can select in the Time app.
    6. Labor-related cost codes assigned to the active jobs.
  3. In the 7-2-3 Mobile Users window, set up invitations to mobile users. (For more information, see Creating an Invitation for Mobile Users.)

Set up Time mobile app users, as follows:

  1. Open the 7-2-3 Mobile Users window.

    If the window is open with a record displayed, click File > New or click the New button in the toolbar.

  2. In the Email Address box, enter an email address for the mobile user.

    When you invite the employee to connect to Sage 100 Contractor using the mobile app, Sage 100 Contractor sends the invitation to this email address.

  3. In the 5-2-1 Employee box, select the employee.

  4. Select the following Sage Time options:

    • From the Employee may enter time for list, select whether this employee can enter time worked for all dates in the pay period up to today, or select Today and yesterday only or Today only if you want to limit their time submissions.

    • Allow employee to include operated equipment. If you want the employee to submit time for equipment usage along with their time, select this checkbox.

    • Allow access to Time Review in mobile app. To allow the employee to review time for other employees using the Time app, select this checkbox.

      The Allow Access to Time Review in mobile app option enables an employee to review time entries in the Time app, but not to see sensitive personal information about the employees whose time submissions they are reviewing.

      Note: Employees can review time in the Time app only for jobs for which they are specified as Reviewer in the 3-5 Jobs window. (For information about how to assign a reviewer to a job, see Assigning an Employee Rights to Review Time Entries for a Job.)

  5. Click [Invite] to send an inviting the employee to connect to Sage 100 Contractor using the Sage Time mobile app.

    Sage 100 Contractor sends the invitation created in the Mobile Users Invitation Setup window to the email address you specified for the employee in step 2.

Tip: You also use the 7-2-3 Mobile Users window to turn off mobile access, if you decide later not to accept remote time submissions from this employee.