About Simple Time Entry

Note: Sage Mobile apps and associated Simple Time Entry functions require a subscription license for Sage 100 Contractor. For more information, contact your Sage business partner or your Sage customer account manager at 1-800-858-7095 or [email protected].

Sage 100 Contractor provides a convenient time entry capability that employees on job sites can use to enter payroll information on their smartphones. It also provides a simple time entry window so that users without access to others' personal information can enter time into the payroll system.

Time entry through the Sage Time app streamlines payroll processing. Instead of employees having to fill in time cards that you or another employee must then enter manually into the Payroll system, time entries are submitted directly through the app into the Sage 100 Contractor "back office" for review and approval by an authorized person.

After the time entries are approved, they are either sent immediately to Daily Payroll for processing or to the 5-6-5 Create Timecards window, depending on settings you select for your company. Creating timecards involves generating 5-2-2 Payroll Records from the time entries so that you can process them with your regular payroll.

Simple Time Entry enables employees who do not require access to other employees' personal information to process time entries, keeping sensitive information private while enabling efficient processing of payroll.

Turning on Sage Mobile Apps for remote time entry

Before employees can use Sage mobile apps and before you can set them up as Sage Time app users, a Company Administrator needs to turn on the Sage Mobile Apps feature in Database Administration.

Enabling Sage Mobile apps automatically installs and configures the Azure Active Directory Application Proxy, required for remote users to connect to the Sage 100 Contractor back office, and ensures that other required Windows services are turned on.

For more information, see the Database Administration help for Server Management > Enable Sage Mobile Apps.

After turning on Sage Mobile Apps in Database Administration, you can:

  • Define pay periods, time-off settings, mobile jobs and cost codes, and other settings for processing mobile time entries in the 5-6-6 Time Entry Settings window.

  • Set up and invite mobile users to use Sage mobile apps using the 7-2-3 Mobile Users window.

  • Review, approve, and post entries sent by Sage mobile users using the 5-6-3 Review Time, 5-6-4 Approve Time, and 5-6-5 Create Timecards windows.

  • Print Time Entry reports using the 5-6-1 Time Entry Reports window.

Users without rights to view sensitive employee information can use the 5-6-2 Time Entry window to enter certain payroll information for other employees, including jobs, phases, equipment, cost codes, hours, and notes.